Our Classes

Gentle Yoga with Natalie - Mondays & Thursdays 9am

Open to anyone along their yoga journey. This class embodies the practices of Classical Hatha Yoga, weaving in mindfulness with breath and physical postures. You can expect gentle warmups, active poses, balancing poses, somatic practices, practices of mindfulness, open monitoring and breathing practices, as well as a long savasana (resting pose)! The pace of this class is generally slower than the Vinyasa Flow classes and supports gentle transitioning between postures. This class offers lots of variations to help support everyone's varied abilities.
Contact ndemarco.yoga@gmail.com for any questions

Vinyasa Flow with Rob - Mondays 7pm Fridays & Satrudays 12pm

Sometimes referred to as “flow” yoga, Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing various postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. Suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners, these classes introduce movement with breath (vinyasa) through simple sun salutations, basic standing poses, seated forward bends and twists, hip and shoulder stretches, and restorative poses for relaxation.
Contact robjoanisse@gmail.com for questions about this class.

Vinyasa Flow with Alex - Thursdays 7pm

This Vinyasa flow is designed to help you feel more aware, grounded, and attuned to your internal wisdom. Mindfully connect, move, and breathe as you build strength and increase mobility in this creative, fluid, dynamic, and challenging class. Each class has a spiritual or philosophical theme woven into the yoga sequence. Alex often integrates metaphors and contemplations inspired by nature and seasonal/cosmic cycles. Modifications are provided for all levels as needed.
Contact wildastrologybyalex@gmail.com for questions about this class

Restorative Yoga with Natalie - Mondays 5:30pm

A slow paced class focused on both mind and body. The aim is to restore the nervous system and release deep rooted tension. This is done through prolonged supported postures that utilize many props (blankets, blocks, bolsters, ect.) to facilitate comfort and complete relaxation. There will also be emphasis on the practice of yogic breath control, Pranayama. It is advisable to dress comfortably and warmly for this class. Long pants, long sleeves and socks are recommended as there are little transitions and lots of stillness.
Contact ndemarco.yoga@gmail.com for questions about this class

Gentle Sunday Flow with Rhiannah
- Every other Sunday 7:30pm

Come join me for a gentle Sunday evening flow, as we embark on the journey inward. My intention is for these classes to give you an opportunity to reflect, recharge and reset before welcoming a new week. These flows will be beginner-friendly and all levels are welcome.
Contact pinkertonrhiannah@gmail.com for questions about this class

Yoga For Tight Guys with Natalie - Tuesdays 5:30pm

Although the name says a lot, you don’t just have to feel like a “tight guy” to join this class. Our men’s class is a great opportunity for guys looking to start practicing yoga or join a small community of like-minded men who have made yoga a part of their routine. This class includes warmups, sun-salutations, active standing poses, balancing poses, deep hip stretches and twists. Move mindfully with breath and help increase overall mobility. 
Contact ndemarco.yoga@gmail.com for questions about this class.

Balanced Strength with Phoenix - Wednesdays 7pm

If you want to restore strength, improve range of motion, decrease pain, and improve confidence inside of your ankles, knees, hips, lower back and shoulders, this class is for you! The Balanced Strength Class is a fun and interactive environment designed to help students restore functionality in their joints while becoming aware of their movement and postural patterns. We achieve this by using traditional and non-traditional movements while emphasizing various forms of breathing to open previously limited areas and bring in a new wave of restoration and functionality.

CONTACT Phoenix thegoldenmovement.13@gmail.com

Chair Fusion Fit with Natalie - Tuesday & Thursday
12:30-1:30pm : 4 week series- STARTS Sept 24th

Special Pricing: Full 4 week series $90 (includes twice a week x 4 weeks)
Half week series $50 (once a week x 4 weeks)
**This series MAY qualify for insurance coverage for kinesiology
OR drop in $15 (does not qualify for insurance coverage)

   This is a twice a week 4 week series aimed to develop strength, coordination, and balance. This class is mainly chair based and is great for anyone who has been sedentary, is recovering from injury/surgery, falls prevention, or want to try something new to get into your body and move! All levels are welcome.Lots of variations will be given to support your unique needs.
Please inquire with Natalie before commencing this series. If you intend to use any kinesiology benefits to cover this class series you will need to complete a full assessment with Natalie before taking the class.

Fit and Flow with Pamela - Tuesday’s 7pm

Moving through the whole body with stretching and core strengthening exercises. Incorporating Hatha, Vinyasa and Kundalini yoga practices.
We start each class with an alchemy-bases intention and close with a guided sivasana.
All experience levels welcome

Ease Into Yoga with Anne - Thursday’s 10:45am
Starting September 12th * 5 week series*

Sign up for the full 5 week series at a reduced rate - $75 (5 classes)
If you are new to yoga or returning back to the practice, this class is for you. This is an introduction, beginner level to intermediate Hatha yoga, designed and focused on specific yogic postures (asanas) and yogic breathing (pranayama) to strengthen and increase life force energy (prana) the flexibility of joints, ligaments and the spine. Class will begin, with traditional warm up of Sun Salutations, with a variety of modifications, to assist in opening up the body. Relaxation (Sivasana) will be incorporated throughout the class and is key, to revitalizing the body and releasing any physical and mental tension.
This class is designed to give the student the opportunity to experience yoga in a safe, gentle and supportive way, according to their body and limitations, to build strength and confidence, and create radiant health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Contact annebentley04@gmail.com for any questions on this class

Devotion in Motion with Aura— Sunday’s 10am

Start your Sunday with an introspective Hatha Flow. In this class, we will focus on the theme of 'moving into stillness'. Expect a slow, yet strong flow. We will explore subtle body awareness with various static postures. There will also be a focus on tending to the joints, as we weave in the Pawankmuktasana Series within the class- this series refers to a group of 'exercises' that "removes any blockages preventing the free flow of energy in the body and mind."

Class with Ali Steer— COMING SOON

Stay tuned for this upcoming class series with Ali.

Class Pricing / Packages


$20 Regular rate

$15 Student rate

$10 New member September special!



10 Class Package

$175 Regular rate

$140 Student rate

20 Class Package

$300 Regular rate

$260 Student rate

Methods of payment:
We currently accept e-transfer, cheque, or cash.
Please pay your instructor directly.

Class prices are inclusive of HST.
Class packages expire one year after the date of first use. They cannot be placed on hold. If you cannot complete your package in time please discuss with us the option of transferring it to a family member, however the same expiration date will still apply.
Packages can be used across most of our ongoing scheduled classes, unless otherwise indicated (eg. special one-off classes or events).  

Gift Certificates:

A perfect way to show appreciation for a special someone.

Available upon request, please contact us to get this process started, or talk to us in the studio.

Sliding Scale:
We understand that attending classes is a privilege and
that some individuals stand behind a financial barrier limiting them from attending. If you are serious about practising, please speak directly to the teacher you wish to attend about possible sliding scale options for you.