Upcoming events & Special classes

Karma Yoga Class

Karma Yoga Class

With Anne Bentley

There are 4 Basic Paths of Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga. But the most foundational yoga is Karma Yoga. The Yoga of action and selfless-service (seva) to others. All other paths of yoga build from Karma Yoga.
Karma yoga is practiced from the center outwards, therefore starting with ourselves (heart) and moving outward to others. It purifies the heart and allows us to feel peace. Besides serving others, it is important to happily receive from others, thus creating satisfaction from them. This creates a balance between giving and receiving. A Karma yoga class is an opportunity to receive, and learn ways to control the movement of the mind through breath and meditation, re- energize the body and mind with deep relaxation, boost your daily energy supply and charge the battery with conscious movement and breath.
Class is offered through donation (dana) and in support of the studio.

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ACU-YOGA: Earth Edition (SOLD OUT)

ACU-YOGA: Earth Edition (SOLD OUT)

Are you feelings the shifts in the air as the bright late of midsummer changes into the golden glow of late summer? This calling to ground and return to centre? πŸŒ€

AcuYoga: Earth Edition is a gentle/restorative yoga and community acupuncture offering designed to help you ground, cultivate compassion, and support the Spleen.

If you’re experiencing digestive issues, fatigue/weakness, overthinking or feeling ungrounded/worried/anxious/insecure, you may benefit from harmonizing with the Earth element 🀎 🌻

Sliding scale tickets are available and the morning session is ALMOST sold out.

To register, visit: www.wildastrologybyalex.com/upcomingevents

A receipt for the community acupuncture portion of the evening can be provided for insurance purposes.

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